How to care for your first bunny
New to buns or considering adding one (or more) to your home? There are so many things to know and consider that can really save you some trouble and avoid common challenges.
Hatching darker eggs
Did you know that darker eggs usually can’t be hatched under the same conditions as other colored eggs? The darker the pigment means that the shell is actually thicker and requires completely different conditions.
We had never heard of this challenge before. And especially with many people selling mixed hue hatching eggs, why isn’t is common knowledge in the chicken world?
Custom Hatches
Our public hatches start late winter into spring. We love our hatching season, but after all of the work and chaos, we also love the ‘off season’ as well! In order to accommodate need and interest, we offer private custom hatches year-round.
How to raise baby chicks!
We get a lot of questions about how to set up a brooder (chick housing) and raise young birds. As with any type of animal husbandry, there are countless options and no ‘right’ way, but I’ll at least share what has worked (and not worked) for us when we’ve raised chicks!
Apiary Progress!
As I sit and type inside by the woodstove for another morning, I would say, ‘it’s been a long winter.’ But honestly, this winter has FLOWN by for me! I think because I’ve been gearing up for so very many spring projects, I didn’t get quite as much quiet time for marinating, reflecting and hibernating as I normally would like. But now that some seeds are going and spring fever has hit…I’m okay with that.
What does ‘heritage breed’ actually mean?
The term ‘heritage breed’ gets thrown around a lot and often incorrectly in the world of farming and homesteading. Probably because it implies quality, many farmers and even breeders incorrectly label their stock as ‘heritage.’
Quiche recipe
I love quiche, but I’m picky about it. This recipe is my go-to for a sturdy texture (not slimy or too cheesy) and tons of flavor and nutrition. Quiche is a great way to use extra greens or sneak another serving of vegetables into your diet.
Our Sustainability Practices
Sustainability: avoidance of depletion of natural resources; the practice of meeting your own needs without negatively impacting future generations. For the poultry industry, sustainability means being responsible stewards of land, water and feed management, and maintaining and advocating for the humane treatment of poultry.