Hatch your own chicks or ducklings from our beautiful, healthy stock!

Hatching Eggs - Available Year Round

  • silver appleyard duck hatching eggs in Ligonier

    Fertilized Silver Appleyard Duck Eggs

    Coming soon in 2025!

  • colorful chicken eggs in Ligonier

    Fertilized Chicken Eggs

    Our rooster is a beautiful red Splash Americauna.

    For 2025 we will be offering barnyard mix hatching eggs from the following: Lavender, Splash and Blue Ameraucauna, Lavender Orpingtons, Rhode Island Red, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers and Black Copper Marans.

    Limited availability + $25 Venmo deposit to secure your spot on the waitlist.

  • nurture right incubator

    Our Incubators

    If you are new to egg hatching, we highly suggest the Nurture Right 360 incubator.

    It includes a built-in LED egg candler, a rolling egg turner that simulates hen hatch for higher hatch rates, as well as an Auto-Stop feature (lockdown) 3 days prior to hatch. We’ve had great hatch rates for both ducks and chickens using these incubators.

    If you’ve never hatched from shipped eggs, please do your research before ordering and check out our blog.

    Happy Hatching!

 All of our birds are pasture-raised and fed organic, non-GMO feed