Custom Hatches

In order to accommodate need and interest, we offer pre-ordered, custom hatches year-round (based on laying availability, of course).

Here’s how they work:

🥚 Minimum amount of eggs to set is 12. We usually suggest double your final goal (especially for ducks), *as long as you can accept the unusual possibility of 100% hatch rate. In other words: if we set 20 eggs and 20 ducklings hatch, you are responsible to take all 20.

🐣 Once you make a $50 deposit that is good toward the final total price of your birds, we will set and incubate your choice of eggs.

🚗 When they hatch, you come pick up and pay for however many total we got!

🖤 We never ship live birds and *you must pick up all birds within 3 days of hatching. Failure to do so may result in an incremental increase in the final price of your birds.

This has been a fantastic and fun way to share more of our birds without our customers accepting the risk of shipping fertilized eggs or the expense and learning curve of incubating. It’s also a great way to get your flock established any time of year whenever you’re ready.

2022 Available Hatched Chicks:

Purebred Lavender Orpington • Purebred Ameraucana • Barnyard Mix Olive & Easter Eggers

2022 Available Hatched Ducklings:

Purebred Silver Appleyard • Purebred Ancona • Barnyard Mix of either + Cayuga


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