Rabbit Manure Fertilizer
One of our goals for our rabbitry was to make the most of the rich fertilizer that rabbits provide. We are now brewing concentrated compost tea for use as all-purpose liquid fertilizer.
Our Rabbit Compost Tea Ingredients:
Organic* Rabbit Manure, Spring Water, plus homegrown Comfrey and Stinging Nettle leaves based on seasonal availability. The average NPK ratio of rabbit compost tea is:
2.4 - 1.4 - .6
Compost Tea Directions:
We brew our compost tea for a minimum of 7 days at a high concentration, so we recommend dilution for general use. This can vary based on your plant’s needs, but we usually suggest dilution at a rate of 1 cup to 1 gallon.
*Not all manure is organic. We strictly feed our rabbits 100% non-GMO organic food (Modesto Millings Organic pellets + Sweet Meadow Farms Organic Hay)
1 quart jar of concentrate = 4 gallons of liquid fertilizer - $8
1 gallon jug of concentrate = 16 gallons of liquid fertilizer - $30

Rabbit Droppings are one of the most versatile and complete forms of fertilizer you can use in your garden!
We are now selling limited quantities of organic rabbit manure and compost tea.
Rabbit manure is a rich, simple source of organic fertilizer for plants and gardens.
It has four times more nutrients than cow or horse manure and is twice as rich as chicken manure. Cow, horse and chicken manure are all considered “hot” and need to be composted to use as fertilizers. One of the best things about rabbit manure is it doesn’t need to be composted! It breaks down quickly and without danger of burning or damaging plants.
Rabbit manure is packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, minerals and micronutrients.
Nitrogen produces strong green growth, phosphorus helps plants withstand stress and contributes to more and bigger blossoms and root growth, while potassium helps with fruit quality and reducing disease.Rabbit manure also contains many beneficial trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, copper and cobalt.
Your rabbit manure will come in a bag mixed with leftover hay that has fallen through the cage bottom. You can choose to separate out the hay or simply rake it into soil alongside your rabbit manure to help aerate, amend and improve soil structure.
Because rabbit manure does not need to be composted, you can spread it directly on to your garden, rake into potting soil, side dress your house plants or create a compost tea by soaking 1-2 cups of manure in 5 gallons of water.
Rabbit manure is not wet or smelly like other livestock droppings! It is very dry, compact and inoffensive.
When soaked in water to create compost tea however, it does smell more like manure. Store it outside away from the house with a tight-fitting lid.
No! What comes in, must come out and most commercially-raised or store-bought rabbit pellets contain fillers and chemicals. Our rabbits do not eat anything that we wouldn’t eat ourselves…not that we’d like to eat a bunch of hay! ;)
We feed Modesto Milling organic non-GMO pellets (free of corn and soy), organic oats, fresh organic greens and flowers from our yard and garden, as well as locally sourced chemical-free hay.
Rabbit compost tea is a liquid fertilizer created by soaking rabbit manure in spring water to extract all of the minerals and nutrients. We also add extra nutrient-rich plants such as comfrey and stinging nettle. This highly concentrated water is then diluted to use as an all purpose liquid plant fertilizer.